God’s Word is Powerful

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

We hope you had a beautiful celebration this Easter! What a joy it was as we culminated the good news of the ONE campaign! 

The outside cover of the donated New Testaments

The outside cover of the donated New Testaments

We know the Word of God is the most powerful tool for spiritual transformation and when people actively engage with it, lives are forever changed! Many years ago, a man in Kansas City was given a Bible. As he read the Word, he experienced such a transformation and gave his life to Jesus. 

Because of his personal experience with the Word, when he heard about the ONE initiative, he wanted to get involved on the local level and donated 30,000 new testament Bibles. Many of these were given away on Easter Sunday at churches throughout Kansas City, and we are believing God that even more lives will be impacted as a result! 

Families grabbed New Testaments to share with neighbors, friends and family

Families grabbed New Testaments to share with neighbors, friends and family

Many of you have already heard we plan to bring the ONE campaign back to KC in 2022! Early adopters of the 2022 campaign will receive a supply of these Bibles as a resources to help promote and encourage. 

Begin praying today about your involvement in ONE 2022! 



ONE is done? Not so fast! 


ONE in Kansas City