ONE is done? Not so fast! 


The ONE global campaign for the season of Lent may be over, but the work that started is only just beginning. Perhaps a better way to think about ONE is a fuse that has just been lit!  

Last weekend, 70+ pastors and ministry leaders from all over the world gathered on a Zoom call to celebrate not only what happened during the ONE campaign…but what was set in motion as a result!  

One thing was extremely clear: revivals are happening in communities around the globe on 6 different continents! In fact the One movement reached 183 different countries…that’s 96% of the countries in the world! 

The beauty of the ONE campaign is that it’s not inhibited by language barriers.  A beautiful example of this is a church of 500 people in Singapore. This particular church serves a very diverse group of people. In fact, they host 4 different services – each catering to a specific language group. Within those service groups, families are sometimes split up – the parents attend a Chinese language service, while the children attend one in English, for example. ONE brought unity throughout the body. Pastor Samuel Lee reported people in Singapore accessed the ONE listening plan in 23 different languages through the app! 

“(I was) very excited by the ONE campaign because it was something we could finally do as a united church – everyone in their own language,” Lee said. 

On Easter Sunday, Lee’s church welcomed 200 newcomers – a record for them. Additionally, each of the four services saw approximately 10-20 people receive Christ, and many more recommit their lives to Jesus! 

Churches in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Ghana all reported a plan to continue a daily engagement in the Word of God! Some are developing reading or listening plans for Acts. Others in Hebrews or Ephesians. But if there was a resounding message from these leaders it was this “people are hungry for more!”   
PRAISE GOD!  Read a few of these testimonies: 

“The listening program -it all started very slow but it came to a point when people started coming regularly. Particularly, people from other faiths – (they were) the majority of people.  We would sit and listen not just for 10 minutes, but for one and a half hours!”  

“It made me want to know God, more,” – unnamed church member of City Light Church in Seoul, South Korea (as reported by Pastor Leo Rhee) 

“What happened in our church was the spiritual dynamic and spiritual atmosphere of our worship even changed. People were different. People came early, they didn’t just meander in. They came early, they came prepared.” – Pastor Leo Rhee, Seoul 

“Every morning when I would listen, I felt like I was being transported into the Bible news.” – Pastor Joshua Lee, Malaysia 

 “Our church has grown tremendously – everyone is asking for more…We have all kinds of people coming in (Muslim, Christian, etc.). Surprisingly you hear people stopping and standing there and listening to some portion of it before they continue walking.” – Pastor Dennis, Ghana  


In the United States, churches across multiple language groups in Kansas City participated in the ONE Campaign as the campaign grew to reaches churches in 6 US cities! The impact spread as the message of the Gospels moved from head to heart, inspiring people to do more than listen.  

When Laura Jones heard ONE campaign radio partner, Life 88.5, promoting a food drive at Westside Family Church, she couldn’t get the thought of a child going to bed on an empty stomach out of her mind. So, she rallied her One Bible study group. Together the small group of seven women set out to collect 100 food items. On Thursday, April 7, three SUVs delivered that collection which more than tripled their initial goal!    

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“I think what started as a city movement, has really brought the world closer together,” said John Snelgrove, pastor in Hong Kong. “We really needed this…It’s the Word of God and that’s something we can all get behind. We put aside our differences when we focus on the Word of God and prayer.” 

Indeed! Pray that what God began with ONE continues to spread and move around the globe.  

Interested in participating in ONE 2022? Sign up here to get on our information list.  


Celebrating as ONE


God’s Word is Powerful