The Holidays Are a Great Time to Build for ONE KC

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 Do you have your list started yet?  

  • Gifts  

  • Lights 

  • Tree 

  • Decorations 

  • Wrapping 

  • Cookies 

  • Christmas cards…  

Perhaps a few things were taken off this year’s lists, such as parties and concerts, but there’s one important thing we should all remember and encourage our congregations to do too, regardless of whether we meet in person or online…. INVITE! 

This week I visited the book store in the mall. As I walked in, I noticed a large display of Bibles and Christian reading material to the left of the entrance. Normally, those materials are located upstairs in a corner. Book sellers watch search and buying trends and then place products accordingly. The placement of the Bibles speaks volumes about the hunger people have for truth right now!  

The Christmas season, coupled with current events, has presented fertile ground to sow seeds of introduction with our friends and neighbors. Here are five reasons why:

  1. The holiday season already has many elements that are comfortably familiar to people, making it far less awkward to invite a non-believer to church.   
    Whether it’s the music, festive atmosphere or even vague familiarity of the story about a baby being born in a manger, visiting a church at Christmas time can feel like part of the on-going celebration.   

  2. A 2014 survey by Lifeway Research revealed that most people would go to church during Christmas if they were …(wait for it)…INVITED! 

  3. In 2018,  a similiar Lifeway survey found that most Americans (65%) aren’t opposed to Jesus at Christmas. In fact, that same survey shows they actually think “Christmas should be more about Jesus.” 

  4. Regardless of the economic impacts on a family this year, Christmas services are something EVERYONE can participate in, and can bring some semblance of normalcy during difficult times. 

  5. If ever there was a time when people needed a message of hope and joy, it’s 2020!  

 But here is the exciting part... Part of our focus with ONE KC is introducing more people to the story of Jesus during Lent 2021. Some who visit church during the holidays may have curiosity or hunger to learn more. ONE KC watching groups are a perfect next step for them. Can you imagine what would happen if each one invited one to Christmas this year? 

But what about COVID? COVID certainly wants to rattle its saber over the holidays this season, making it extra difficult to navigate what Sundays – let alone Christmas Eve – may be like. If you have an online service option, again, what a great opportunity to invite, make new connections, build relationships and invite to ONE KC! Here are a few other ideas you can leverage to invite others to join you for Sundays – just remember, be intentional, invite liberally and inclusively…just like Jesus! 

  1. Begin in prayer – asking God to guide you to who you should invite. 

  2. Engage a friend in a conversation about Christmas memories. 

  3. Tree of encouragement: Cut out a Christmas tree and write a note of encouragement to a neighbor on one side. On the other hand, write an invitation to Christmas services (in person or online). Tape it to a front door or drop it in a mailbox.  

  4. Random acts of holiday kindness: Whether it’s shoveling snow, raking leaves or dropping off a plate of cookies, be involved with your friends and neighbors. As relationships build, offer an invitation to church. 

  5. Make a Christmas ornament with your children to drop off at one of their friend’s homes.  The ornament should be accompanied with an invitation (from your church if available, or may be hand-written by the invitee, showing specifics of time, place or how to access online). Perhaps your invitation also includes joining you for Christmas Eve dinner or dessert before/after the service.  

The bottom line: The birth of Jesus caught the world by surprise, but it was not surprising to God. He had it all planned out from the start. Similarly, COVID is no surprise to our Father. If we submit our plans and expectations to him, and follow his Spirit-filled unpredictability, just maybe we’ll discover something unexpectedly wonderful again this year…just like that first Christmas! 

Trust in the Lord completely, 
and do not rely on your own opinions. 
With all your heart rely on him to guide you, 
and he will lead you in every decision you make. 
Become intimate with him in whatever you do, 
and he will lead you wherever you go. 

-Proverbs 3:5-6 (TPT) 



Let the Church Give Thanks!


Comfort and Joy