Comfort and Joy


Church leaders, we are praying for each and every one of you! As we prepare to launch the Christmas season in a matter of weeks, we know your footing may feel a bit uncertain with all the events of this year and unknowns that remain.  

It’s easy to fret about what it all may mean for Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas services.  It is 2020 after all, and we know the enemy would love nothing more than to sew added fear and despair into our hearts as we prepare to celebrate one of the most joyous events in history!  

We are reminded however, that Jesus said there would be trouble in this world. BUT, take heart! Because he also tells us this fact: HE HAS OVERCOME IT!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

How wonderful that we have a God who is bigger and stronger than anything that may come our way.  

 So here are a four topics we invite you to join us in prayer over our city during this holy and special season. 

  1. PRESENCE: That we would have the presence of mind and sensitivity to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn – in essence being the hands and feet of Christ to our neighbors. (Romans 12:15) 

  2. HOPE: We will remember God’s mercy and great faithfulness – like a new gift we open each morning – and share that with others who need hope. (Lamentations 3:21-24) 

  3. REST: We will rest in knowing that not one day of this holiday season or the unique challenges within comes as a surprise to God. He knew it long before 2020 arrived. (Romans 8:28) 

  4. VALUE: When Jesus was born, the angels visited the isolated, social outcasts to announce the birth of Messiah! As we remember the story of the shepherds in the Christmas story this year, pray that God will inspire us with new ways to reach, serve and encourage the isolated and outcast in our city today.  (Luke 2:18-20)  


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