Let the Church Give Thanks!


2020 has been laced with challenges, disappointment, and grief. And yet, Thanksgiving arrives, like clockwork, reminding us to stop, reflect, and give thanks. Even amidst the chaos God is still involved and as Romans 8:28 promises, working all things for His glory! 

So, if today's one of those days you're having to dig deep to find the thanks to give, we hope these words shared by other Kansas City area pastors and faith leaders will bring encouragement to your heart today.


“I am grateful that even in dark times God is working though his people to shine his light of hope to the world! Doors are opening for the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we meet the growing needs in our community. ‘Let your light shine before other so that may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.’ Matthew 5:16”


“The What if the Church collective was one of the most powerful things for me as a pastor during the beginning of this pandemic. It allowed us to dream, mobilize, and serve as a group of leaders rather than trying to figure it out on our own. Ministry is hard, but less hard if you do it in community.  I am convinced we got more done because we worked together and I have created many new friendships that I value greatly!”

“What I'm grateful for in 2020 is the great creativity and innovation of the people of God. There are so many leaders who would have been excused for just shutting things down and throwing their hands up this year, but time and time again Christian leaders have continually found new ways to keep people connected and help them join God in His mission both locally and globally.” 


 “This has been one of the most challenging years as a pastor. COVID-19 has made everything more difficult and forced me to think in new ways. And yet, I am thankful for it all. I have seen our people respond to unprecedented needs in our congregation and community. I have seen God provide for our church financially through their consistent giving. In these dark days, there is much to celebrate. Every morning I drink my coffee out of a mug that was given to me by friends. On the side of the mug are the words ‘See the good.’ I think this is a quote from Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers). I have meditated on these words often. When I grow weary they help me to focus on what is good. There is much good to see." 

 “Our church family has been pruned and growth is taking place. We have been able to make much needed changes and allow dying programs to pass away. God is blessing His church!”

 "I am thankful for God's grace and mercy.  I am also thankful that even during this difficult time in our world, he is our sustainer.  Although life has been rough, I have peace knowing the Lord is on our side."

 “As a missions leader I am thankful that even though we aren't allowed to travel internationally, we have opportunities to serve our community around us.  I am also thankful for the technology that allows us to connect with our cherished partners around the world.  On a personal note, I am thankful that we find hope in a Saviour whose light shines through the darkest of times.  Even on our worst days, we can turn to Him and find peace.  All we have to do is fixate our gaze on that warm light in a cold world to let all of the negativity around us melt off and be the light He has called to be. These are the times when we are called to shine!  In that sense, I'm thankful for the hard times.  Times for even greater opportunities to show God's glory.”

 “I am grateful for our Heavenly Father’s unfailing love and compassion, especially when I am often too quick to overlook His presence in every situation – every day.  I am grateful that HIS mercies are new every morning and that His faithfulness will never leave or forsake us.”

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to see the beauty in the brokenness. God has shown me repeatedly that He will make a way for us through this wilderness of uncertainty.”

Mission Southside will remember 2020 as the year that the church stepped up in a mighty way during the Covid pandemic and the food insecurities that so many faced due to their loss of job/employment! Literally hundreds of thousands of food items that provided nutritious meals for thousands of families who would have otherwise gone without. Matt 25 - "I was hungry and you gave me something to eat" - - WITC did this! God's people showed up for the "least of these" in their time of need! From all of us at Mission Southside - THANK YOU WITC!




Extraordinary Nazareth


The Holidays Are a Great Time to Build for ONE KC