Celebrating as ONE

Last weekend, pastors and staff from churches across Kansas City gathered to celebrate the culmination of ONE 2021. After working together for months via email, Zoom, or meeting in small groups, many of the pastors and local leaders were finally able to gather IN PERSON, meet face to face, share stories, and celebrate the work of the Lord in Kansas City. It was a night filled with fellowship, worship and rest.

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

Pastors and leaders began the evening with connection over a meal. Kansas City food trucks, Vee’s Barbecue, Ying’s Thai Food and Betty Rae’s Ice Cream, offered an array of choices while they relaxed and made meaningful connections with others. The celebratory evening concluded with a private concert featuring Matthew West who blessed the small audience with a time of worship and laughter. Randy Frazee also shared a vision for continued unity throughout the city, and announced plans are undersay for ONE 2022!

Pastors and city leaders stand together as ONE, representing the Church in Kansas City

Pastors and city leaders stand together as ONE, representing the Church in Kansas City


What’s Next???

Do you want to join this movement of churches unifying around the Gospel in Kansas City? Visit https://www.whatifthe.church to learn more about upcoming city-wide initiatives. Want to get a head start on being a part of ONE 2022? Visit https://onekc.bible to register your church today!


Fit to Fight for the Family


ONE is done? Not so fast!