Extraordinary Nazareth


2020 has been an extraordinary year that has forced us each to press into the ordinary. In a year filled with mental gymnastics to find the good amid the mess, it can serve as a beautiful reminder that God uses and redeems all things for his glorious, remarkable and yes, even extraordinary purpose.   

For the next few weeks, we will take a closer look at some of those ordinary aspects of the Christmas story. Today, we go to the beginning: Nazareth.  

Extra-ordinary Nazareth. 

“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46 

Nathanael, the would-be disciple, recoiled at the idea that THE Messiah might hail from such a place. Is it any wonder?  

Scholars estimate Nazareth’s population at the time of Christ at a scant 480 people. Nonetheless, the small town’s reputation certainly preceded it, and left much to be desired. 

Speculations about that reputation swirl from the community lacking in religious training and education, to its independent attitude, to utter wickedness. 

Prior to Luke 1:26, when we are told “God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph,” we have little frame of reference for the town, indicating it was of little or no importance. In fact, this is the first time Nazareth is specifically mentioned in any historical manuscript. 

Nazareth’s geographical location in northern Galilee is an important clue. It’s actually believed to have been located in Naphtali, a tribe with a devastating history. 2 Kings 15 tells us that this region was the first to fall when attacked by Assyria. In the book of Isaiah (chapter 9), the prophet foretold that invasion would be especially terrible for the people in the northern regions – specifically Naphtali and Zebulun.    

An unimportant town marked by a history of weakness and defeat. It’s not exactly the place one expects a Savior or King to step onto the pages of history. Yet, the less-than-ordinary status and tragic history of this disgraced town made it the perfect place for God to begin his extraordinary story of redemption, fulfilling prophecy with hope. 

“…In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future, he will honor Galilee…” Isaiah 9:1 

 In the midst of an ordinary, perhaps disadvantaged, down-trodden, unimportant little town; a place where despair, distress and gloom had taken deep root, the unimaginable was about to happen. Nazareth was perfectly positioned for God to do…the EXTRAORDINARY! 


Let’s Pray: 

Father, thank you that you are at work even in the middle of trials, tribulations and distress! As we enter into Advent season, remind us to live simply, not focusing on circumstances, but fixing our eyes on you. We are eager to see your extraordinary work in the ordinary – even mundane – moments and places of our lives. Bless us, this day, with eyes to see your work in those places of our lives where we have been rightly humbled. Amen. 

Written By Jeannette Duwe




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