The Pauper Princess


Read Luke 1:26-56 

The centuries-old masterpiece paintings idealize Mary as a beautiful young, fair-skinned girl who typically donned a halo. 

Pimples? Non-existent.  

Hormonal? Doubtful.  

Peaceful? Definitely. 

It is, after all, MARY

Although Mary was technically a princess in the lineage of Israel’s greatest king, David, dreams of beautiful royal robes, gems and palaces were just that…childhood fantasies

Mary lived as a common girl in Nazareth– a poor, unremarkable, and relatively unknown small town with a bad reputation. 

It had been 600 years since a descendant of David had reigned in Israel. And while most Jews still hoped for a new King from that line, just as the prophets had promised, nobody could have guessed how this little girl would figure into that equation. 

Mary herself didn’t have much to offer Israel’s future. She was young (probably about 12-14 years old), poor and, well, a girlShe was completely unsuitable in the world’s eyes to be used by God in a mighty way. 

But God looked at the unseen and saw a girl perfectly positioned to usher in the greatest miracle heaven and earth have ever seen. God saw a courageous girl with a willing spirit and tremendous inner strength who was also dutiful and obedient, trusting, humble, selfless, and compassionate. 

When the angel Gabriel came to her with the message that God had chosen her to be the mother of the Messiah, she willingly chose to trust and accept God’s plan for her. In doing so, she knew she’d face extraordinary risk. In fact, she would risk everything for this assignment.  

She would be harshly rejected. Her reputation, trashed. Her fiancé could legally call for her to be stoned to death. 

But fear does not come from God, and Mary treasured this truth in her heart. Without skipping a beat, she said: 

I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said. (Luke 1:38

No argument. No “why me?” No running away. No pointing fingers. No excuses

An ordinary servant, Mary served out of the extraordinary strength and courage only God could give her. 

Let’s Pray: 

Heavenly Father, you never promise the road will be easy, but your plan for us is ALWAYS good!  Regardless of what circumstances I face today, help me remember that you have perfectly positioned me at this time and in this place for an important role in your kingdom. Maybe I never saw it coming. Maybe it feels too huge. Maybe it feels…ordinary. But Father, your word reminds us that we are blessed when we believe that you will do what you say you will do! Help me today to – like Mary – have extraordinary faith to serve you – whether the stakes feel frighteningly high, or ridiculously ordinary. Amen. 


For further meditation, read: Luke 1:45Prov. 3:5-6Jeremiah 29:11 

Written By Jeannette Duwe



An Extraordinary Ride


Extraordinary Nazareth