ONE KC Prays


"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

It’s been a while since any of us have been able to attend a symphony – or a middle school band performance for that matter! – but imagine for a moment that you are at the Kauffman Center for an much anticipated performance of Handel’s Messiah. You sit in great anticipation as the symphony takes the stage, flanked with a full choir and exceptional soloists. By the time they begin the familiar Hallelujah chorus, you can hardly contain yourself! It’s enough to take your breath away. The sound is stunning, magnificent, and simply awe-inspiring! 

When Matthew recorded the words “I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for…” from Jesus, the word he used for “agree” in ancient Greek means, literally, “to symphonize.” When we pray TOGETHER, with agreement our prayer sounds like a beautiful, in-tune, powerful symphony to God the Father! 

The power of true agreement is a tool God has given us. As such, we should make it central to our days and activities, hopes and dreams. 

This is why we believe prayer is critical as we approach the launch of the ONE KC movement. 

The past few weeks, we have hosted a zoom call with leaders and prayer warriors in Kansas City and around the globe to pray over a variety of things. We have named every KC pastor and church by name and covered every participating city and movement leaders. We’ve prayed for unity, protection, forgiveness, salvation, humility, and so much more. But one of the sweetest moments happened last week when a group of leaders participating in ONE overseas joined our call and prayed SPECIFICALLY for Kansas City! Wow! 

The Bible consistently tells us and demonstrates that prayer and praise are key to unlocking change and bringing God’s blessing! 


· Jonah prayed and praised in the belly of the whale before he was released to return to his God-given mission. 

· Joshua led the Israelites in praise as they marched around the Jericho wall which came crashing down on the seventh day. 

· In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat directed singers to lead the army with songs of praise against a mighty foe. God responded with complete victory before the battle could even begin. It took three days to collect the plunder! 

· Paul and Silas prayed and sang songs of praise from jail before an earthquake erupted and freed them. 

These are just a few examples. The Bible tells us to “pray continually” (1 Thes. 5:17) but also to “rejoice in the Lord always!” (Phil. 4:4) 

If you haven’t already, will you join us in prayer for the ONE movement – in Kansas City and in our partner cities? You can follow daily prayer prompts via the What if the Church social media pages. And, if you are able, we’d love for you to join us on our weekly zoom prayer call. We begin at 8:30 praying for Kansas City and at 9:00 pray for our international partners. Join us for the full hour, or just a portion of it. All are welcome. 

You can find the join link in your weekly ONE KC email, or click here and we’ll send you the joining information. 

“O Lord our God, let your sweet beauty rest upon us and give us favor. Come work with us, and then our works will endure, and give us success in all we do.” Psalm 90:17 (TPT)


ONE KC Local Update
