ONE Church Update


ONE KC kickoff may still be a few months away, but planning is in full swing! Here’s an update with where we are in the effort. 

 Earlier this year, the ONE KC leadership began sharing the vision to find 300 Kansas-City area churches who wanted to join in a city-wide effort to increase Bible engagement within their communities.  Then, Covid…. 

 While Covid has certainly presented a number of challenges, ONE KC found itself in a unique situation to offer churches an 8-week set of high-quality manuscripts and supporting material for Lent and Easter. During a season when the needs are pressing and significant, many churches are finding comfort in knowing something is already set for the most significant season in the Church calendar. 

To date, 105 churches in Kansas City have committed to engage with ONEKC 2021!  We are one-third of the way to our original goal! When we launched Margin, we prayed for 100 churches, and God exceeded that.  We pray He does it again! Think what could happen when church members of more than 300 local churches engage the Word of God on a daily basis with intentionality and commitment to prayer. When God gets involved, all bets are off, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store.

 If you have yet to join the movement, we hope you’ll consider it today.  Click here for more information.


20/20 Vision


ONE Hong Kong