GOAL: 300 New Bible Translations


Did you know there are more than 7,000 different languages spoken around the world, and  at least 2,000 of these languages still need a Bible translation started?? Wycliffe estimates  1.5 billion people  do not have any Scripture in their language (https://www.wycliffe.org/about/why)!

 Take a second to stop and re-read that last sentence and let it settle in your heart. One-and-a-half  BILLION image bearers around the globe do not have access to a single verse of Scripture in their own heart language. If you are anything like me, perhaps tears well in your eyes as you consider this unsettling reality. Can you imagine experiencing life without knowing the hope and redemption that is communicated through the Word of God? 

But the barriers don’t stop there. For many who  do have access to the written Scriptures. They can’t read. Faith Comes by Hearing estimates “70% of the world’s population live in oral cultures which means that 5.7 billion people need to hear the Gospel in order to understand and accept it” (https://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com).  

 Unfortunately, many existing translations remain in written form. 

If you have come from a visual culture, it may be hard to comprehend the significance of receiving Scripture in an oral form. Perhaps these stories will help you understand: 

A Wycliffe missionary in Nigeria shared about a survey that was taken amongst several oral people groups who had received written translations of Scripture in their language. There was great celebration at the reception of these Bibles, but the survey showed that most of these Bibles were left untouched in the years to follow. There wasn’t a lack of desire to engage in the Word of God, but there was a lack of comprehension of the written Scriptures. For some of these cultures, an entire orthography was developed in order to write the translation. So, in order read the Word, the people first had to learn how to read their own language and comprehend it in written form. Only then could they read their Bibles. Through the surveys, the people expressed a need to be able to hear the Word in order to engage with it more authentically.

Kim Shroyer, who lived and taught in India on and off over the years, had a similar experience while attending a church in Telegu. A woman she had known for years seemed to be eagerly following the passage in her written Bible. In fact, she was a very devout believer who often carried her Bible around, opened it during prayer, and followed along during services. During this particular service, however Kim leaned over to take a closer look at the Telegu scriptures and realized that the woman was holding her Bible upside down! Kim was struck by this. This dear woman didn’t know how to read, but she was so desperate to try to access the Word of God in her hands, that she opened it and skimmed the text anyway. This Bible could have been in any language in the world, but it would have had the same effect: she still could not access the truth contained within.  

Knowing that the woman desired to grow and learn beyond Sunday service, Kim’s heart broke for the limitations that blocked her from God’s word.  Consider how delighted Kim would be to offer an audio version in this woman’s language, and the impact that could have on a woman who already values the Scripture and her family? Her community?

Faith Comes By Hearing is a non-profit organization that records Bible translations that can be delivered in the form of audio bibles to underserved communities around the world. They consider their work as “the final sprint” to delivering the Gospel to every corner of the globe in a form that all people can access. The current timeline estimates that work will be complete by the year 2033!

How exciting is that? 

A major component of the ONE campaign is global Scripture engagement.  As you may be aware, we are leveraging the Bible.is app during the campaign which was developed by Faith Comes by Hearing. The app provides audio access to the scriptures in more than 1300 languages.[GU1]  That still leaves more than 5,000 world languages on the table, in need of translation. 

What if, the church here in Kansas City worked together to help to accelerate that 2033 goal? What if, we were able to sponsor and fund the recording of 300 new audio language translations?  It’s possible!  It’s a big, intimidating God-sized goal, but as the scripture tells us, nothing is impossible for our God! Yes, this goal is BIG, but it aligns with the very heartbeat of God! 

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” Revelation 7:9

So how do we get there? We start with prayer. Ask God how he would have you and/or your church get involved. Your church can give a single gift, do fundraising, partner with another church or simply bring awareness to the need. If your church has a specific nation you are passionate for introducing the Gospel, you can request to specifically help sponsor that translation. One language translation audio recording costs an estimated $35,000. To date, ONE KC partner churches have already committed to fund the complete translation and recording of 3 languages!  For more information about language sponsorships, contact info@whatifthe.church.  Or, to give a one-time gift, you can visit their website and click “GIVE.” (In the forms under “Additional Information” let them know you are part of the ONE KC initiative. 

One Word. One church. One Lord. 




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