School Partnerships
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School Partnerships Are an Opportunity for Neighborhood Transformation
Schools and churches are located in almost every neighborhood in our city. Churches are filled with caring people needing a mission and schools have numerous challenges that need the help of caring people to succeed. There is so much opportunity for the neighborhood church to impact the community through school partnership.
Caring for Kids saw this opportunity through the vision of pastors working together in Kansas City in the Citywide Prayer Movement. Our goal was to inspire hope, and to provide opportunity for every child to become all God created them to be. We launched officially as a 501c3 nonprofit in August of 2013 out of Citywide Prayer. We saw the need for someone to build a bridge from the church into the public school to bring hope to the schools, students and families by demonstrating what the love of Jesus looks like.
We started helping one or two churches connect with a school but quickly expanded the circle to engage businesses and civic groups to serve alongside the churches in partnership. Our friend, Tracey Beal, from School Connect in Arizona discovered the same principle in Phoenix,
“The body of Christ’s 'a-ha moment' happens when we realize we can work with everybody in the community to impact schools.”
To build this bridge, Caring for Kids functions as a backbone organization through a proven four-step process of engagement, connection, collaboration and equipping. We begin with the superintendent and leadership to set the course for the district partnerships. Our shared agenda at each school is shaped by the goals of the principal in that school. Relationships built in these partnerships at all levels are the key to sustainability and impact for the children and families.
Sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God through relationship is a journey for everybody as we seek the common good together. We get to see faith in action every day through these partnerships. I dream of a time when every school has a network of support from neighborhood churches who ask a simple question, “How can we help?” I believe the church working together with the whole community embraces the opportunity to be a catalyst for neighborhood transformation.
How can we help you get started in school partnership today?
Nancy Mitchell
Executive Director