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Awaken | May 2020


2020 Theme:

As we are living through our first experience with a pandemic, we want to call the church to capture and remember what is truly important in life. Often our prosperity, health, and comfort cause us to “fall asleep” on our focus on the Kingdom of God, God’s Word, will, and priorities. COVID-19 has our attention and has created a spiritual climate that has captured both seekers and believers. We want to come out the other end of this crisis stronger than ever.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:13-14


Every church works from one series concept, service titles, key scriptures, and ‘big idea’


Three pastors collaborate.  We recommend that you schedule to meet at least once a month to grow the friendship and a SEPARATE block of time (or two) to sermonize together.


Each pastor ‘prepares’ one sermon & gives it three weeks in a row (series is not designed sequentially). OR pre-records once and shares with the other churches.

Pulpit Swap:

Traditionally, each pastor kicks-off the series in their own church, but you may want to try slotting yourself on the middle week to eliminate a 2-week absence.

While you’re away:

  • Consider preparing short video introductions of the other pastor & church and a call to action to your church.

  • Blog/tweet/instagram/facebook your experience at the other churches.  Your congregations will be VERY interested to hear and it’s an opportunity to cast your vision.

  • Bring others with you – someone your discipling, key leaders, etc.

  • Consider swapping worship leaders? The more it can be a shared experience, the better.

May 2

City-wide Resource Drive

May 30

City Wide Resource Drive