Finding, serving, and celebrating 1,000+ Community Ministers to impact America for Christ.

Research •  Events •  Membership •  Donate

America suffers from almost insurmountable problems. 

Every day it seems there are new expressions of darkness, despair, and distance from God and His grace. 

Churches across America are responding to the needs of their communities by creating a Community Minister (CM) position.

CMs are essential to reach an increasingly secular society with the love of Jesus Christ. Often people serving in this position can feel discouraged or overwhelmed because there is too much for any one person to do.

The Community Minister Network provides the support CMs need to reach more people more effectively.

Research began in July ‘22, with 200+ CMs interviewed so far:

  • The vision to find, serve, and celebrate 1,000 Community Ministers is affirmed.

  • We have found no other network of Community Ministers that exists to serve this group.

  • Every CM interviewed receives our research report.

Upcoming Events


Become part of the tribe and gain fellowship, community, and learning from experts and fellow CMs.

  • Support our vision of a CM in every church

  • Monthly Zoom on specific topics 

  • Reduced price for in-person events 

  • Industry Insider, Referrals to specific CMs

  • An interview is required prior to membership

The Community Minister Network is Funded by: